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Hi, myself Dr Daisy and I will help you make your inner and outer self healthy!


Who is it for?

Life has taken us all to a different mental, physical, financial and emotional level specially post pandemic. Most of our life’s perspective has changed. This pandemic taught us that there is nothing more important than our self health. This site is to spread more health awareness among people. I am a certified family physician and am working towards upliftment of a healthy society through various platforms. This site will help you find answers to your general health issues and will make you more learned about self care in every aspect. Not just your physical health, your mental and social well-being are equally important to make this society a happy and healthy place. And as WHO defines health that ” Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” So let’s join hands to achieve this goal and stay happy, healthy and positive.

Quick Bites

While going for covid vaccination

Always have your breakfast or your subsequent meal as per your vaccination appointment time. Take your antihypertensives, antidiabetic medicines as per routine. Preconsult your doctor about any other ongoing medication. Wait for 3o minutes post vaccination to report any immediate adverse effect. Fever, malaise, bodyache, headache, mild weakness or pain at injection site are common symptoms that may occur after vaccination, which usually indicates that the vaccine is doing the job. Tab paracetamol can be helpful. Consult your doctor if these symptoms persist for more than 1-2 days or if you feel any serious side effect. Better to wear clothes that are easy to expose your arm. Always carry your ID card. Let the doc at the vaccination center know about your comorbidities. Take the next dose as per the schedule. Menstruation is no contraindication for taking the jab. Do motivate others for the same.

Spiritual Health

Spiritual health is usually the forgotten angle of our health pyramid. We move towards soul nurturing only after a certain age or when life sends us to a rollercoaster ride. Never ignore your soul healing. Read good stuff, listen to meaningful talks, be around positivity, may it be people/ things. Let go everything that disturbs you, if not physically then mentally atleast. There’s no minimum age criteria to start taking care of your spiritual health and  to be at peace with yourself. So start now.

And in this unprecedented covid era its all the more important to be spiritually healthy and strong to gear up for the physical health. Spiritual health doesn’t mean you have to visit any religious place or perform religious duties its just making your soul strong and happy by any possible means.

My top 5 health tips

1. Your health is your responsibility.

2. Watch for what ever you eat or drink.

3. Live light( physically/ mentally and emotionally).

4. Never compromise on your sleep time.

5. Always have a “ME TIME” in your daily routine.

Get in touch

Write to us If you have any questions related to our blog or you have any health related queries. Feel free to write to us if you want to read about blog on any specific health topic or you want to discuss any issues related to physical, mental or spiritual health.