Covid vaccination


Why should I get vaccinated?

Vaccination is a way to artificially produce antibodies in our body to a disease which can be life threatening or is contagious. Covid has played havoc in the last one and half years and we are fortunate that our scientists have developed this vaccine in such a short time. It’s our responsibility towards our country, our loved ones and this world to get vaccinated.


Which vaccine is better?

In India we have options for 2 vaccines, covishield and covaxin. 

Covishield is from Serum institute of India, in association with Oxford Astrazeneca.

Covaxin is from Bharat Biotech.

Both have been made using different mechanisms but the ultimate aim of both or infact all the vaccines is to produce antibodies and long term memory in our immune system.

So whatever is available near you and for whatever you get the registration, get vaccinated at the earliest.


What are the contraindications of vaccination?

Absolute contraindications are very few. Don’t get vaccinated if

  • You had a severe reaction post any vaccination in the past.
  • You are suffering and undergoing treatment for any acute illness including covid.

Otherwise you can get vaccinated with most of the comorbidities. No contraindications in case you are on medication for hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, thyroid abnormalities, migraine, arthritis, asthma, on blood thinners, on chemotherapy, HIV/ AIDS treatment or on any other medication for chronic illness.


What are the side effects of vaccination?

Mild fever, headache, malaise, bodyache,pain at the injection site, nausea, diarrhea, are common side effects of vaccines and can be dealt with symptomatic management like paracetamol every 4-6 hours, as required. Antiemetics for nausea, vomiting.

In case these symptoms persist for more than 2-3 days or there are any other severe symptoms, contact your doctors immediately.


How to get myself registered for vaccination?

You can get yourself registered through cowin app or aarogya setu app and can choose the nearest vaccination centre available and the time and date slot available. 

You can also see all the free and paid centres in your city.


Precautions to be taken before going for vaccination:

  • Prepare yourself mentally and have faith in vaccination. 
  • Have your breakfast in the morning or your subsequent meal according to the vaccination timing, don’t go empty stomach. 
  • Always take your daily dose of antihypertensive, diabetes, thyroid or any other regular medicine.
  • Consult your treating doctor prior to vaccination, if you are on any immunosuppressants, blood thinners, on chemotherapy or other medications for less common chronic diseases.
  • Wear loose clothes so it saves time at the vaccination center and it’s convenient for you and the vaccinator both.
  • Avoid unnecessary crowding. We have to get vaccination, not infection.
  • Always wear double mask, carry your sanitizer to the center and maintain social distance. Follow all standard precautions.
  • Carry your ID card, and reach the center according to the time slot allocated to you.
  • Cooperate with the staff at the vaccination center.
  • Jab pic for social media is also important nowadays as it motivates others but don’t do it at the cost of your safety and others at the vaccination centre. 


Precautions after the jab:

  • Wait for 20-30 minutes in the observation area after the vaccination to report any immediate adverse event.
  • Don’t rub the injection site, just press it with a swab, if there’s oozing of blood.
  • Some people may develop fever, pain at injection site, myalgia, headache, bodyache, dizziness, weakness, nausea or diarrhea post vaccination. Tab paracetamol can be taken every 6 hours if required. Rest, fluids and supportive care is usually sufficient.
  • Report to your doctor if these symptoms persist for more than 4-5 days or you develop any other severe symptoms.
  • Continue following covid appropriate behaviour as per the local protocol, as no vaccine gives 100% immunity and no one is safe till everyone around you is safe. 


Can I smoke or drink alcohol post vaccination?

There is no contraindication for smoking and alcohol post vaccination but smoking and alcohol, in general are harmful. Taking a jab means you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from the deadly virus and on the other hand you are weakening your lungs, kidneys,heart and other body parts. Spare them for the bigger fights.


Second dose schedule:

Second dose for covaxin is scheduled at 4-6 weeks and for covishield its 12-16 weeks. A few days post this schedule is acceptable but not prior to the recommended time interval.

Schedule of covishield was changed from 4-6 weeks to 6-8 weeks to now 12-18 weeks. This interval is being changed seeing the results of various studies going on worldwide and not due to lack of vaccine, as per the general notion. 


What if I take only one dose?

Two dose schedules are made to increase the antibody response against a pathogen. In the first dose our immune system recognizes an antigen and produces antibodies against it and when that immune system is reexposed with the same antigen after sometime the immune system reactivates much faster, more aggressive and produces long term memory cells against that infection.

That’s the reason we get booster doses for certain infections like tetanus from time to time.

If you don’t complete the scheduled doses your immune system will produce antibodies but not enough response against the pathogen for long term immunity.


When can I get vaccinated, if I develop covid infection?

If you are infected with SARS-2 coronavirus then your immune system develops antibodies against the virus which may last from weeks to  months to years postinfection. In some people, especially people with mild infection, these antibodies may not be sufficient to last long so it’s advised to get vaccinated post infection after 90 days or 3 months.

If you develop covid infection after the first dose of vaccination then also advised to take a second jab after 3 months, your natural antibodies will function post infection.


Can two different vaccines be taken by one person?

 Though there are studies going on regarding mixing the vaccines to deal with vaccine shortage and apart from minor side effects there have not been any major complications. Studies are also going on to see if mix vaccination increases your antibody status. But till now it’s not recommended, so don’t experiment. 

It’s taken care that the person is given the same second vaccine as was the first but you also should be vigilant as human errors are possible.


Vaccination guidelines in pregnant and lactating mothers:

Govt of India has issued guidelines regarding vaccination in lactating mothers. Breastfeeding moms can get vaccinated irrespective of the child’s age. Vaccination doesn’t have any major effect on the baby being breastfed.

For pregnant females the vaccine is still not recommended and there are trials going on regarding vaccination in pregnant females. Many studies have shown no major side effects in pregnant woman. If you are a frontline worker and at high risk of contacting covid then risk post vaccination is really low compared to covid risk.


What is the future of covid infection?

No one can predict that, but we are hopeful that if most of us get vaccinated we can surely go back to precovid era.


Should I wait for other vaccines like Sputnik V or Pfizer? 

I don’t think it’s advisable. If you are getting a chance to get vaccinated, get it with whatever vaccine available. All of the vaccines have shown promising results against the covid infection, only difference is a small percentage of efficacy. 

Delaying the vaccination for that 5-10% more efficacy is delaying the covid elimination by 100%. 

Better to go for whatever is available for you at the earliest.


How to get my vaccination certificate?

After completion of both the scheduled doses, you can download vaccination certificate from cowin app or aarogya setu app. You are also provided with the link in the message sent to you regarding completion  of the second dose.



  1. Rajinder Sehgal

    Doctor Daisy,
    Very informative and useful tips.
    Since you are working in Hindi Belt,it would be more beneficial if you translate this into Hindi Language also so that useful information given in the messages is passed on to large number of people especially those who do not understand English language fully.
    Rajinder sehgal

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