What is vaginal discharge? Symptoms, causes and management of abnormal vaginal discharge

What your vaginal discharge says about your vaginal health?

Vaginal or genital health is the least talked about topic. Almost all women experience vaginal discharge, which counts to about 49.5% of the world population, yet it’s not much talked about. Due to many misinformations and social stigma females don’t come out with their health concerns related to vaginal health.

Is vaginal discharge normal or abnormal?

Do we need to worry about all types of vaginal discharge?
When to see a gynae?
Is vaginal discharge related to menstrual cycle?
Is the discharge sign of some underlying disease?
Why does my panty get discoloured every time?

If you also have these questions in mind then you are in the right place. Read the full article to get the answers.
Most important thing you should be aware of is that  most times VAGINAL DISCHARGE IS NORMAL AND EVERY FEMALE EXPERIENCES IT. So most of your worries can come to an end if you can differentiate between normal, healthy discharge and abnormal discharge.



Why is there vaginal discharge at all?

Our body has many ways of protecting and cleaning itself. Like production of saliva, ear wax, gastric juices or vaginal discharge. Everything has a purpose and these mechanisms are self sufficient in cleaning most organs.
Vaginal discharge is our vagina’s way of cleaning itself.

Vagina is a self cleaning organ which doesn’t need any fancy doughes or washes to clean itself. Like the ear, vagina can also clean itself by its own mechanism. After all the cleaning and mopping it throws away discharge which is no longer needed. And depending on your menstrual cycle or certain drugs, the discharge changes its consistency from watery to egg white to thick and creamy.

Vaginal discharge consists of fluids secreted by glands in vagina, cells shed by vagina in the process of cleaning and healing itself. It also washes away all unwanted bacterias. So vaginal discharge is healthy and is important for our genital health.

Benefits of vaginal discharge:

  • Keep vagina lubricated, helping it to stay healthy.
  • Cleans vagina and washes away all unnecessary bacteria, dead cells.
  • Facilitates sperm motility and helps in fertilization and conception.
  • Maintains healthy ph thus maintains healthy vagina.

What is a normal discharge?

Normal discharge
These all discharges are normal. Light pink or brownish discharge just before and after the periods are normal.

Normal vaginal discharge changes its consistency all through the month depending on your menstrual cycle.
Immediately post menses it can be slightly brownish or may be clear but scanty.
As you move forward in your cycle, this discharge increases in amount and changes its consistency from sticky, white or pale yellow to watery and it increases in amount and resembles egg white near your ovulation.
This egg white consistency facilitates sperms to flow into the vagina and reaches the egg and helps in fertilization.
In the third phase of your menstrual cycle, post ovulation this discharge again starts becoming thick and decreases in amount.
Discharge increases with physical exercise, pregnancy, oral contraceptive pills, sexual arousal, ovulation,
Just before approaching your menses you may experience a light brownish discharge which indicates approaching menses.


What’s an abnormal vaginal discharge?

Discharge associated with itching, fever, rashes in your vagina, discharge in some abnormal color like greenish, or curdy white, or discharge associated with foul smell or discharge in excessive amount called copious discharge are all abnormal.
Colour and consistency of your vaginal discharge can determine any underlying disease. These recognizing changes in the discharge are highly suggestive of some particular infections.
Common causes of abnormal vaginal discharge include bacterial infections, sexually transmitted diseases, immunocompromised state like uncontrolled diabetes, certain drugs, immunosuppressant drugs, HIV/AIDS, abnormality in cervix or uterus, some localized growth or use of certain chemical products.

Greenish or dark yellow discharge:

Common causes of green or dark yellow discharge are trichomoniasis, chlamydia or gonorrhea infections. It can be associated with irritation, profuse, frothy, purulent discharge.
These infections are generally sexually transmitted. You need to see your gynecologist if you experience something like that. Your partner may also need to be treated because there are chances of cross infection. Safe sexual practices, vaginal hygiene can help prevent these infections.

Curdy white or cheesy discharge:

Curdy white discharge is characteristic of fungal infection or yeast infection. It can also present a cottage cheese appearance. It’s usually a cuddling discharge and is also associated with excessive itching.
These infections are opportunistic infections which occur when our immunity is compromised.

These infections can happen in case a female is on long term antibiotics, or in uncontrolled diabetics, in females who are immunocompromised or in those using excessive vaginal products.
It needs immediate treatment and management of the cause as well.
If the cause is not taken care of, these infections can be recurrent.

Excessive white discharge:

Discharge that’s white, greyish or pale but excessive in amount, excessive enough to make your undies wet and force you to use pantyliners/ pads associated with a fishy smell can be a sign of Bacterial Vaginosis infection.
This discharge is excessive in amount sometimes called copious discharge and is associated with vaginal itching and fishy smell. This also needs immediate attention and you need to see your gynecologist, if you experience this.
Most of these abnormal discharge causes are treatable with medications. Some like a growth or cysts and erosion at cervical opening may need more investigations and some invasive procedures.


Light brownish or pinkish discharge:

Light brown or pinkish discharge just before or immediately after your period is considered normal. Anything out of that like discharge in between your cycle or after a sexual act is considered abnormal and needs immediate attention. Sometimes mid cycle discharge can be a sign of ovulation or implantation but then also it needs attention and evaluation by a gynecologist.

So, When to see your doctor?

If you have discharge which is

  • Copious in amount
  • Greenish, yellowish with itching
  • Curdy white cottage cheese like discharge
  • Pain lower abdomen
  • Itching or burning
  • Smelly discharge
  • Reddish, pink discharge in between the cycle
  • Post costal blood stained discharge
  • Unexplained fever

How to take care of your vaginal health?

  • Always wear cotton underwear to make your vagina breathe.
  • Avoid tight fitted bottom wear like jeans, jeggings, lowers.
  • Don’t use vaginal douches, scented products.
  • Clean vagina with water and mild, unscented soap.
  • Keep your inguinal region dry.
  • Good menstrual hygiene, change pads/ tampons at regular intervals, empty and clean menstrual cups as advised.
  • Safe sex practices.
  1. Always use condoms.
  2. Avoid multiple sexual partners.
  3. Always pass urine after sexual intercourse.
  4. Avoid unnatural sex practices.
  • Go for regular STDs check up, pap smear check at least every two years, if you are sexually active.
  • Always keep your sugar levels checked.
  • Take a good nutritious diet, especially fruits and fluids. Include probiotic containing products in your diet like curd, buttermilk etc.
  • Always clean your bottom from front to back, from vagina to anal region to avoid infection.